Paper puzzle games have been adapted into video games many times before and they will continue to be adapted. I’m sure you’ve seen or played a crossword online. Some puzzle games are merely a digital carbon copy of their physical selves—others are enhanced and changed by this transition. LOK Digital is one such game that benefits immensely from the virtual adaptation. Originally a paper book by Le...[Read More]
I really enjoyed reviewing this one. Definitely more than I thought it might be. Anyway, enjoy the official launch announcement below. Gothenburg, Sweden – August 8, 2024 – Attention on deck! Today, Thunderful released SteamWorld Heist II, a hilariously charming new turn-based tactical strategy action-adventure game available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, X...[Read More]
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown shit was a banger, and I know, bangers. Need to put out that this is my first review ever, and I’m so lowered and energetic about this open door. Couldn’t be any more grateful to have the option to offer my viewpoint and gifts through explicitly gaming, and different types of media. I would harm if I didn’t get this review going by expressing that...[Read More]
When I think of puzzle-strategy games, I think of a very dry experience that is void of narrative value. That might seem like a knock against those types of games, but they are what they are, and that isn’t a bad thing because most games make for an intellectually fun time. I like feeling smart and feeling accomplished, and those games help me from time to time. Now, HOWL from developer Mi’p...[Read More]
Years ago, I was privy to experiencing the game The 7th Guest on my very early DOS computer with a new and shiny CD-ROM add-on. The game featured live video mixed with CGI environments and puzzles that told a creepy-ass story of a man who trapped kids and guests within his mansion. While the game was mostly just a puzzle-driven experience, the introduction to CD-ROM-based gaming created a new path...[Read More]
I have very weak arms, but legit legs. It has been that way forever, and we’re talking about 40-plus years. While I will occasionally get baby-bulging triceps thanks to moving lights in class, for the most part, I’m noodle arms and unable to truly put them to good use. I know what you’re thinking, “Thanks for the update, Nathan. Did we really need that?” Nah, but it was a great introduction to my ...[Read More]
Puzzle games are like comedy, where planning requires meticulous care and know-how, while also remembering to make it fun and not torturous. If you haven’t guessed from that sentence, comedy is brutal to come up with. So are good puzzle games. Of course, some developers make it look very easy when they hide their complicated backbone of gameplay within a Baku-Baku-like chaotic wrapper that deliver...[Read More]
It has been a long time since I have been so definitively frustrated with a game and its mechanics. I honestly cannot remember the last game where I walked away yelling, “FINE! Be that way” and never returned to it again. It takes a lot to get me there, but here we are right now. While I certainly appreciate the thought and dedication that went into creating Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes – De...[Read More]
Sometimes having a simple structure to your game does wonders for the experience. Case in point, Ring of Pain is a simple card game where you only worry about 5-6 controllable player stats and how to improve those to better take on enemies. It’s a game of choices but nothing skillfully driven beyond making those choices. Why can’t it be skillful? Well, it’s a game where the dungeon of cards change...[Read More]
Return to Grace Review Growing up I was always more interested in space than the ocean. I know there is the classic quote, “We know more about space than we do of our own oceans” but the vast expanse and the idea that there are completely separate yet similar planets out there to ours completely blows my mind. I’ve always found myself interested in anything space related, especially when it...[Read More]