A techno ninja packed with guns and a sword in VR? Good lord, the possibilities. Welcome to Sairento VR from Mixed Realms. The concept is pretty simpl...[Read More]
A game that thrives off of a realistic medieval life, I would assume. You star as Henry, the blacksmith’s son, who wants to get out into the world and...[Read More]
The close of Resident Evil 7’s second act challenged the player with an important choice; do you choose to rescue Mia (your wife) or Zoe (the sa...[Read More]
Not A Hero occupies a reality where Resident Evil 7 disposed of the things people liked about Resident Evil 7. Gone are the games of cat and mouse, th...[Read More]
When it comes to saving the world for total destruction, people used to rely on THE Jack Bower. 24 Legacy doesn’t have Jack Bower anymore, but the new...[Read More]
Dead Rising 4 finally submitted to the will of the people. Capcom’s zombie panic simulator (handed over to Capcom Vancouver from Dead Rising 2 o...[Read More]
The F in Doom VFR stands for “fucking.” Doom Virtual Fucking Reality. This is a statement of intent and an invoiced agreement of sophistic...[Read More]
The premise of Skyrim in virtual reality would seem to commence the automatic exchange of sixty dollars. Bethesda’s most recent entry in The Eld...[Read More]
At this point and time, you don’t need me to tell you how absolutely epic Bethesda’s Oblivion follow-up from 2011 is, as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a...[Read More]
I’m a huge fan of Life is Strange. A few years back when the original was released I had a surprisingly good time with it, as the episodic-driven opus...[Read More]
What happens when you put eight animated characters from different cartoons in the same house? Total chaos. Drawn Together is an animated TV “Reality,...[Read More]
There is shaky ground as of late with gamer’s trust in the Assassin’s Creed series. The last one was filled with some broken elements and decent gamep...[Read More]