PokeStop nominations announced from Niantic, as well as beta start for Brazil and South Korea

PokeStop nominations announced from Niantic, as well as beta start for Brazil and South Korea

The world of Pokemon GO is apparently getting bigger. Check out the details below.

PokéStop Nomination Beta Comes to Brazil and South Korea!
Coming soon, we’ll be rolling out the first beta test of the new PokéStop nomination system! This will be the first time that Trainers will be able to submit locations in Pokémon GO. Submissions will be evaluated for future inclusion in the game.

This feature will initially be limited to level 40 Trainers (child accounts excluded) in Brazil and South Korea.

Trainers who meet these initial requirements will be able to nominate potential PokéStops by submitting photographs and descriptions of the locations. Submissions will be reviewed by experienced users in the Ingress Operation Portal Recon (OPR) project.

You can find rules and guidelines on how to submit a PokéStop in our Help Center. Stay tuned for more news as this program expands to other countries, and please accept our thanks for working to make Pokémon GO an even better experience!

Your Neighborhood, Your Game Board
Over the last eight years, our community of players have explored the four corners of the globe and, more importantly, the far reaches of their very own neighborhoods. There’s nothing better than the feeling of seeing a PokéStop or Gym in Pokémon GO or a Portal in Ingress, and making a slight detour to discover a beautiful piece of art, historical marker or amazing public landmark hidden in plain sight.

Fostering these moments of discovery and exploration is the foundation of what we do. The world is a big place, and the only way we can find the very best locations for inclusion in our game is with the help of our players.

We’re now expanding with PokéStop nominations to Pokémon GO with an initial beta test in South Korea and Brazil. This will be the first time Trainers will be able to directly submit locations within Pokémon GO. This new feature will initially be available for only Level 40 Trainers (child accounts excluded) in the beta regions but may expand to more Trainers or locations over time. The same group of veteran real-world players approving locations and their respective photos and descriptions in Operation Portal Recon (OPR) will review these submissions. We know fans worldwide are eager to expand locations in their areas and we’ll continue to monitor the PokéStop nomination beta and potentially expand to other areas when possible.

Your neighborhood is your game board, and you know best what makes your neighborhood unique and special! We’re looking forward to bringing a new and exciting in-game location to you soon.