Sakura Wars

Drinking cranberry juice is an acquired taste. At first, you don’t understand the appeal of it. It’s got this odd combination of flavors and it’s supposedly good for you. As time passes slowly, you begin to enjoy the cranberry juice, even to the point that it becomes a thing you have to have when you go grocery shopping. Eventually, you adopt it and forget about any potential worries you might hav...[Read More]

Sakura Wars (Preview)

Reaching way back to the Sega Saturn days, Sakura Wars has been around for a long, long time. In fact, it’s one of the most successful series that Sega has brought out and continues to be. Sega produced it back in the mid-to-late 90s, then kept the series going until the most recent version, which is heading towards an April 28th release here in America. If you’re not familiar with the series, the...[Read More]

Sakura Wars is coming to the PS4

ITS COMING WEST!!! LETS GO!!!!!!!! IRVINE, Calif. – February 13, 2020 – Last year, we announced that Sakura Wars, one of SEGA’s greatest franchises, would make its way to the West. It’s with exceeding pleasure that we can now reveal the official release date for Sakura Wars on the PlayStation 4 – April 28, 2020, only a few short months away! One of SEGA’s greate...[Read More]