Escape Academy Review

A month or so ago, I was privy to sitting in on a preview of Escape Academy from Skybound Games and developer Coin Crew Games. The devs were known for putting together actual escape rooms in real life but had to shift their plans to a video game world when COVID hit hard. What they have created with Escape Academy is wildly addictive and best played with multiple people. While visually it’s nothin...[Read More]

Spirit of the North – Enhanced Edition

What a fascinating game Spirit of the North turned out to be. I thought maybe I would be getting a fox-based adventure that had me armed with magic and mystery, but it turned out more to be a melancholy game with a Journey-like adventure. Let’s get this going. Foxy Spirit The story follows the path of a fox that lives in a world that is devoid of living humans and covered with nature. The lonely f...[Read More]