Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Review

The Intro Crawl: First off, I’m a Star Wars geek. There’s no getting around it, I was born in 1977, The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie, my Lego Star Wars collection has grown steadily over the past 15 months, I camped outside the Uptown theater in Washington, D.C. for a collective three weeks before the release of the sequels, the eight collector’s grade lightsabers hanging on 3D-printed...[Read More]


Role-playing games, better known as RPGs, are a realm in the gaming universe that I gladly appreciate. When checking the PlayStation Store, I look forward to RPGs because of three factors: storyline, action, and characters. Along my gaming journey, I have played various RPGs, but they did not include Japanese RPGs (JRPGs). My first JRPG was Final Fantasy VII Remake, and after playing it I realized...[Read More]

Turtle Beach Stealth Pro Review

I’m absolutely flabbergasted at the Turtle Beach Stealth Pro headset. Most of the time, I would enjoy the comfort of a TB headset, and the beautiful delivery of the audio, and be forever annoyed by a dongle that belongs to the early 2000s. While there have been more than a few headsets that have impressed me in the TB family, they always seemed to feature some minor or major quirk that kept them f...[Read More]

Dead Space (Remake) Review

I never played the original Dead Space in 2008. It’s not for a lack of trying; in fact, I had played through the opening 30 or so minutes on PS3 a month or so before the PS4 was set to release. Horror games back then were never my thing (I’m a big ol’ scaredy cat), and it took 2014’s Alien: Isolation for the genre to break through and grab me. Fast forward to 2023 and we finally have what can only...[Read More]

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Review

Asymmetric multiplayer games have seen a huge rise in popularity over the years. Friday the 13th: The Game, Dead by Daylight, and to a lesser degree Predator: Hunting Grounds, have all taken the world by storm with their delightfully addicting gameplay. As with those games, the genre seems to be ripe with possibilities when it comes to beloved IP. But one obvious franchise has eluded the adored 4v...[Read More]

Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed Review

A long time ago in the year 2020, I reviewed a little remake of a classic PS2-era game entitled Destroy All Humans!. And now as a wisened old man, I am taking a look at its sequel: Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed. What a grand reminder that as things continue to evolve and change, some things will always remain the same. And in this case, DAH2: Reprobed is about as close to “same-y” as you can get...[Read More]

Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 MAX Headset Review

We’re about to hit headset review week here on, and the first one up is Turtle Beach’s Stealth 600 Gen 2 MAX. Built and optimized for Xbox systems, but capable of working with PlayStations, PC, and Mac, this beautiful headset is both comfortable and reliable. Let’s talk. Comfort Over the last decade, we have reviewed headsets from various places and each time the comfort level of...[Read More]

Grand Theft Auto V (PS5)

Update 4/30/2022: A prior version of this review mentioned my difficulties with playing the campaign and restoring my save from the PS4 version. This was because I had not uploaded my PS4 save to Rockstar’s Social Club. I downloaded the PS4 version onto the PS5, downloaded my save from PS+, opened the PS4 version, uploaded the save to the Social Club, and was successfully able to resume my P...[Read More]

Horizon: Forbidden West Review

Composing a sequel to a mega-hit is no easy feat, especially one that’s expected to supersede everything that came before it. Many franchise’ before have fallen victim to this Herculean feat; although many have risen to the occasion. Star Wars had Empire Strikes Back, The Godfather had its Part II. Horizon: Forbidden West is this franchise’s Empire, with everything that comes with it. ...[Read More]

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

The night is dark and full of terrors. Try as it might craft a unique story, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes leans too heavily on its inspirations to be enjoyable. On its surface, House of Ashes had an opportunity to craft something pretty unique with its story. With its clear inspirations being Predator (1987) and Aliens (1986) with the backdrop of the Iraq War in 2003, House of Ashes...[Read More]

NBA 2K22 (PS5)

The NBA 2K franchise has seen its ups and downs over the last decade. As with any sports franchise, striking a balance between realistic simulation and fun has never been more difficult. NBA 2K22 is no different as it strives to fine-tune its multitude of gameplay systems and weave it into an overall experience that is as fun to play as it is to look at. Even though many, if not all, of NBA 2K22’s...[Read More]

Aliens: Fireteam Elite Review

We enter through a decrepit blast door, taking in the scene around us. It’s quiet, not a soul in sight. We push forward through the grime-laden hallways that once housed the hopeful and hopeless alike—colonists. We know the foe that awaits us around the corner, the evil that will almost assuredly end our lives, but that’s why we’re there. We’re there to kick their ass. Further down the hallway, an...[Read More]