Metal Wolf Chaos XD

For fifteen years, Metal Wolf Chaos persisted as one of gaming’s more enigmatic legends. Produced by (then) unheralded maestros at mech-and-fantasy obsessed FromSoftware, released in 2004 as an exclusive to the original Xbox’s imaginary Japanese audience, and featuring the President of the United States of America in a mech suit obliterating parades of an usurping military power, Metal...[Read More]

Pre-orders open for Metal Wolf Chaos XD via GameStop

Check out that cover art! And the details. The country is in peril as President Michael Wilson defends the nation against a full-scale rebellion led by Vice President Richard Hawk and the mechanized legions he commands. As the 47th President of the United States, it is your sworn duty to take your country back by any means necessary and end this unjust coup d’etat! Battle in your advanced me...[Read More]