Death Stranding (PC)

It feels like forever since I reviewed Death Stranding on my PS4 Pro. Back in late October, I had started on a journey that I didn’t know what I was literally getting into — no seriously, I had no clue about the story. You have a package delivery man with a baby strapped on his chest trying to elude invisible creatures that were trying to pull our hero down to wherever. Oh, yeah. Mads Mikkelsen wa...[Read More]

Death Stranding

Artists have a clear vision of what they want to do and how deep they want to dive before everything is said and done. Deep down in an artist’s heart, I believe they want you to take a journey with them through the masterpiece they create. At the end, they want you to have experienced something special. Will you have found the vision they intended? Maybe, maybe not. The experience along the way is...[Read More]