Deathloop (Xbox Series X) Review

We are revisiting Deathloop, but this time on the Xbox Series X. A small disclaimer before we begin. While I cannot fathom ever having a write-up like Ben Sheene’s original Deathloop review, I do have some notes to add for this newly released XBX game that was an exclusive on the PlayStation 5. I have purposely gone into this game without playing it on the PS5, and I must admit that Ben hit the na...[Read More]


Deathloop defies expectations. As a player who has keenly watched the numerous trailers for Deathloop since its announcement I went in expecting a number of things. When I first saw Colt teleport across a surface I thought, “Oh, that’s Blink from Dishonored.” When the cyclical, time-looping plot was revealed I thought, “Oh, that’s the trippy narrative from Prey.”...[Read More]