Dave the Diver Review (Nintendo Switch)

Dave the Diver is now available on the Nintendo Switch. That’s it. Go play it. If you already own it, perhaps you should buy it again so you can play it whilst on the go. If you don’t yet own it, stop reading. The rest of this review is just fluff. Let this ~five sentence review give you the permission you need to pull the trigger on one of my most favorite games of 2023 and perhaps the 2020s thus...[Read More]

Dave the Diver Review

I wasn’t sure about Dave the Diver. The whole concept of diving into an ocean, spear-fishing animals, and then taking them back to cook at a sushi restaurant was sus at best. It seemed complicated on paper and initially felt like maybe the game was juggling too many genres at once. I mean, how in the world could a game do so many things so well without skimming in some gameplay design? There is no...[Read More]