Harmony: Fall of Reverie Review

Throughout my tenure as a video game writer, spanning over 20 years, one of the more delightful elements of choice for me in gameplay design has been branching narratives. While I think this harkens back to my enjoyment of Choose Your Own Adventure books in the 1980s, where you get to choose the fate of the character you’re reading about, I think it goes deeper than that where I need to be in cont...[Read More]

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes

The night is dark and full of terrors. Try as it might craft a unique story, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes leans too heavily on its inspirations to be enjoyable. On its surface, House of Ashes had an opportunity to craft something pretty unique with its story. With its clear inspirations being Predator (1987) and Aliens (1986) with the backdrop of the Iraq War in 2003, House of Ashes...[Read More]