For all you SF fans out there. There are quite a few. Anyway, enjoy the official details below. On April 20 at 3pm PT // 6pm ET, players will be able to tune into the Street Fighter 6 Showcase, hosted by special guest Lil Wayne! The showcase can be viewed on Twitch and YouTube and will run for approximately 30 minutes. This showcase will feature exciting new announcements for Street Fighter 6, inc...[Read More]
While we’re all waiting for the Destiny 2: Lightfall drop in February, we must find something to do, right? We could platinum God of War: Ragnarök, but that might take forever. We could wait for an update for Witcher 3 on the PS5 to make the Ray Tracing Mode work, but who knows when that is dropping? There are a lot of different ways we could spend our time waiting for Destiny 2: Lightfall, but wh...[Read More]
That is a lot of horror. Still haven’t played through the last two. Anyway, enjoy the official details below. Experience decades of Resident Evil horror in Humble Bundle and Capcom’s newest games bundle titled “Resident Evil Decades of Horror Bundle”. Available now until August 24, the bundle features an expansive collection of iconic games from the legendary survival-horror Resident Evil se...[Read More]
Check it out below, MHR fans. Join Capcom for the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Digital Event, tomorrow, Tuesday, August 9 at 7am PDT / 10am EDT. Presented by Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Game Director Yoshitake Suzuki, the development team is set to reveal exciting news about the free Title Update 1, including new information on Lucent Nargacuga, Seething Bazelgeuse...[Read More]
Capcom has brought a second arcade stadium for those who enjoy retro gaming. This time around, this arcade package includes a cornucopia of different genres which slowly detail the transition Capcom went through from shooters, action games, and fighting titles. This collection reaches back to the 80s and spans both sides of the globe. There is certainly a variety here. Now, just because you’re get...[Read More]
I am back in 1991 again at the Annapolis Mall (I can’t remember the official name – roll with it). I’m playing Street Fighter II for the first time and loving what would be a long affair with Capcom fighting games. That relationship lasted for a long time, maybe hitting its peak at Marvel Super Heroes versus Street Fighter (Japanese import – still the best), and once in a while I enjoy going back ...[Read More]
That’s a sweet bundle. Check out the official details below. Always remember, this is for a good cause. Anyway, enjoy the details. Fill your summer with some monstrous fun and dive into Humble Bundle’s newest games bundle featuring megahits from Capcom. From June 8 to June 21, fans can sharpen their swords and get ready to hunt in Monster Hunter: World. Additionally, players can fight legion...[Read More]
Check out the goods below. During the upcoming Capcom Showcase – a new digital event bringing you the latest Capcom game information, be sure to tune-in to catch the latest reveals for the upcoming Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak from Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto! The Capcom Showcase livestream will run for 35 minutes on June 13 starting at 3pm PT / 6pm ET and will bring you news and in-depth upda...[Read More]
MH fans are going to be happy. Check out the May digital event from Capcom. During today’s Monster Hunter™ Digital Event, series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, and director Yoshitake Suzuki provided fans with the most in-depth look at Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak™ yet, including an action-packed new trailer and game details. The duo unveiled three additional monsters, the new Switch Ski...[Read More]