Blood Rage (Digital Edition)

I’m uninformed. Yeah, I know. You’re reading that and thinking, “Well, I’m glad he wrote this review.” — end sarcasm — I’m glad I wrote this review, but I’m uninformed. Uninformed in what, you might ask? I’m uninformed of the fact that Blood Rage was an actual board game. I had no idea that this was played and has been played since 2015. It makes complete sense considering how the game is played i...[Read More]

Blood Rage making it to Steam (PC/Mac) today

Our review will be live for this tonight. I can assure you that it is a different bread of board games. Fun, difficult, and beautifully complicated. Anyway, check out the official launch details below. PARIS – May 27, 2020 – Asmodee Digital, a leader in video game entertainment inspired by board games, is proud to announce the release of Blood Rage: Digital Edition on Steam (PC and Mac...[Read More]