Black and Blue launches on digital, heading to DVD January 21st

Check out the details below. BLACK AND BLUE is a fast-paced action-thriller about a rookie cop (Academy Award nominee Naomie Harris) who inadvertently captures the murder of a young drug dealer on her body cam. After realizing that the murder was committed by corrupt cops, she teams up with the one person from her community who is willing to help her (Tyrese Gibson) as she tries to escape the crim...[Read More]

Black on Blue is on Digital December 31st, Blu-ray on January 21st.

Just in time for New Years Eve. SYNOPSIS BLACK AND BLUE is a fast-paced action-thriller about a rookie cop (Academy Award nominee Naomie Harris) who inadvertently captures the murder of a young drug dealer on her body cam. After realizing that the murder was committed by corrupt cops, she teams up with the one person from her community who is willing to help her (Tyrese Gibson) as she tries to esc...[Read More]