My love for classic cartoons began early. While I am the 90s kid that we all know and blame for the world’s problems, classic television has been infl...[Read More]
Huntdown‘s near-impeccable distillation of classic arcade shooting is a thunderous endorsement of a seemingly bygone era, one where raw skill wa...[Read More]
Despite the roguelike genre’s tendency to recycle many of the same elements, I rarely tire of its structure. There’s an eagerness to dive ...[Read More]
Don’t let the simple execution of Door Kickers: Action Squad fool you… too much. On the surface, the game is very much a 2D platformer and...[Read More]
My Friend Pedro exists in the microcosm of Devolver Digital’s warm embrace. Anyone familiar with the publisher’s catalog would see gamepla...[Read More]
If you can dodge a sword then you can dodge a ball. The game that is self proclaimed as “dodge brawl” is an exciting experience that will have you on ...[Read More]
Metroid II: Return of Samus was first released in 1991, a time when I was doing very little console gaming (PC instead). My first foray into the world...[Read More]