Halloween visions and creations are making it to Dreams’ ‘All Hallows Dreams’ event

Halloween visions and creations are making it to Dreams’ ‘All Hallows Dreams’ event

Still love this game and game creator. Enjoy the goods.

Halloween is only a few days away, and what a better way to get into the spirit of the holiday than with a special event in Dreams called All Hallows Dreams.

The Dreams community of creators has banded together to create spooky and eerie rooms for a series haunted houses that are playable in the Dreamiverse. From clowns to dolls to spiders and ghosts, each room is as frightfully varied and different as the creators themselves – one Dreamer even built an arcade with minigames in their room. For extra immersion, the entire experience is playable in PSVR!

Players who haven’t purchased Dreams aren’t left out of the tricks or treats, All Hallows Dreams is included in the free Dreams trial that is available on the PlayStation store.

Check out the blog post for more information