Looking awesome. Here is what Double Fine is showing off at this E3. There are a slew of new things below. Now, and this is just me being honest and unbias, Double Fine has certainly been taking their chances with fresh ideas and creative risks. You have to respect the hell out of a company for doing something like that, so do yourself a favor and check out what they have to offer at E3 2018 this year.
Double Fine Presents is already off and running with several new announcements and trailers, with even more to come.
Gang Beasts (developed by Boneloaf) is coming soon to Xbox One! There will also be a new level called “Train” and costume pack dropping soon.

Knights and Bikes (developed by Foam Sword) has a brand new trailer (below).

KIDS (developed by Playables) recently announced their partnership with Double Fine Presents and has footage to show off!

Ooblets (developed by Glumberland) released new footage of the game.

And there’s more! Tomorrow, there will be a Grim Fandango live reading at the E3 Coliseum. The full cast, including Tim Schafer and Jack Black will be in attendance. The event starts at 6pm and will be livestreamed on Facebook Live. More surprises will be in store so don’t miss out! E3 attendees can come by the Coliseum and others can tune in via the stream.