Apocalypse Now crowdfunding platform launches on ApocalypseNow.com

Apocalypse Now crowdfunding platform launches on ApocalypseNow.com

Still haven’t seen this movie all the way through.

Francis Ford Coppola’s American Zoetrope and the team of game industry veterans developing the Apocalypse Now videogame adaptation have moved the project from Kickstarter to a dedicated platform at ApocalypseNow.com. The new platform will serve as a rallying point for the community and represents the team’s long-term commitment to both funding the project and sharing details of the development process.

ApocalypseNow.com will be an engaging space where fans and backers can get the latest updates, communicate with the team making the game and continue to support the project through the entirety of the game’s development cycle. The team will rely on this dialogue with the community to help them to create an Apocalypse Now game worthy of the motion picture in every way.

“We are making a unique interactive experience with the Apocalypse Now videogame — it’s like Fallout: New Vegas on acid in Vietnam,” said game director Montgomery Markland. “The Apocalypse Now team plans to raise $5 million to produce an authentic game that the people want to play.”

Through the new platform, the team making the game have created a long-term plan for the community to guide and influence the progress of Apocalypse Now. The development team will be able to entertain and engage with fans, and provide continuous entertainment culminating in the videogame release. The community will start receiving rewards shortly after successful funding and regularly over time.

ApocalypseNow.com will also be a virtual playground for fans, built around the narrative of the original motion picture. The Apocalypse Now community will see real-time updates on the game through posts, livestreams and group community events. Backers will directly communicate with the team through the premium site, creating a systematic and regular flow of conversation, updates and news.

Begin your mission at ApocalypseNow.com, and never get out of the boat.