Turbo Overkill Review (PS5)

Turbo Overkill follows a simple bible: rip and tear. And while it is inked in blood and shell casings, it is leather-bound in the meaty flesh of chainsaw victims. Chainsaw leg victims, to be more precise. This should come as no surprise from Apogee Entertainment, a publisher who rose to prominence with Duke Nukem 3D under its former moniker 3D Realms. Turbo Overkill is meant to be evocative of an ...[Read More]

Turbo Overkill (PC)

Coming out of previewing GTTOD, I felt myself hankering for boomer-shooter gameplay that excelled in mobility. I was wanting parkour, if you will. I wanted to wall jump while shooting waves of enemies. I wanted I had already played Doom Eternal, but I wanted more…and then Turbo Overkill released. All of my urges for momentum, gunplay, and ridiculous levels of gore were met by Trigger Happy Interac...[Read More]