Introspection with The Artful Escape

The Artful Escape‘s swirling potpourri of foreign celestial bodies and magnificent narrative blueprinting serves a singular purpose: To move players. It’s bare-bones gameplay structure merely acts to propel the player towards one fantastical digital fresco to the next breathtaking zenith or soul-searching chunk of dialog. Developer Beethoven & Dinosaur seems keenly aware of their ...[Read More]

The Artful Escape makes it to consoles

Give it a shot, folks. See what you think. Our own Ben Sheene is heading up the PS5 review. We’ll have it soon. Until then, enjoy the launch details below. LOS ANGELES – Jan. 25, 2021 – The Artful Escape, published by Annapurna Interactive and developed by Beethoven & Dinosaur, is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch for $19.99. First released this past Septe...[Read More]

The Artful Escape finds its way to consoles this month

Gorgeous game with some great musical feel to it. Official release details are below. LOS ANGELES – Jan. 18, 2021 – The Artful Escape, published by Annapurna Interactive and developed by Beethoven & Dinosaur, is launching on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on January 25 for $19.99. First released this past September on Xbox and PC and nominated for three 2021 Game Awards, Th...[Read More]

The Artful Escape Review

It’s a night of narratives, I tell ya! NARRATIVES! And I’m more than overjoyed by the concept of story-first gaming, as it does make for a memorable experience. Does it make for a good game, though? That debatable point leads us to the end of a long day staring into the barrel of another Annapurna Interactive published title that is developed by Beethoven and Dinosaur. Welcome to The Artful Escape...[Read More]