Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection Review

For the necessity of transparency, before playing Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, I had no experience with any Mega Man titles or the series in general. I knew of the series, had heard of the games and seen screenshots of some animated series from years ago, as well as seen the character in crossover titles such as Super Smash Brothers. Yet, I have never played a single one of the games on any...[Read More]

Shadowgun War Games announced from MADFINGER Games

Looks fun. Check out the official details below and the trailer. August 20, 2018 – Brno, Czech Republic – The arena is filled to the roof. The fans are going wild. From the depths of the stadium two teams of five enter the field. Legendary Shadowgun heroes are getting ready for the fight, and the whole galaxy is watching. Welcome to Shadowgun War Games, the new mobile esports title fro...[Read More]