Sea of Thieves

Rare brings to the table a neat concept about living the life of a pirate, even down to screwing over another player’s pirate in the high seas by stealing their treasure and sinking their ship. Sea of Thieves for the Xbox One is built on foundation that is simple enough to pick up and go, but the scurvy sea dog of a game seems to have its boat rocked a bit on content. Before we get into it, let’s ...[Read More]

Forza Motorsport 7 Review

Since 2005, the Forza Motorsport brand has actually espoused a fair amount of varied complexion. At its inception, another first party racing franchise was already burning rubber on the “OG” Xbox. Project Gotham Racing started as a launch title for the console in November of 2001 and produced inviting driving mechanics just a tick on the arcade side. Forza was tuned more “simR...[Read More]