Zoink shows off unique art style with behind-the-scenes for Lost in Random

Definitely some gorgeous art and vision. Official details are below. Today, the Zoink team is taking you behind the scenes to explore the unique art style found in Lost in Random, the recently released award-winning macabre adventure that brings players on a twisted journey to succeed in the Kingdom of Random. Diving into the game’s delicate mix of fairytale and darkness, the blog explores how Zoi...[Read More]

Story comes first in Lost in Random via EA Originals and Zoink Studios

Enjoy the goods below. Today, EA Originals and Zoink Studios released a new blog for Lost in Random, the single-player storytelling adventure launching on September 10 that will bring players through the dark, twisted, and unpredictable Kingdom of Random. Penned by Olov Redmalm, Creative Director and Lead Writer on Lost in Random, the blog delves deeper into the inspirations behind the title, the ...[Read More]