Interview: James Deighan – Mega Cat Studios’ CEO

Coming out of our WrestleQuest review, we had some burning questions for the Mega Cat Studios team! We were granted an opportunity to interview James Deighan, Mega Cat Studios’ Founder and CEO. Check out his thoughts on the future of RPGs and inspirations for WrestleQuest below! Q: Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some of our questions! Playing WrestleQuest highlighted a clear...[Read More]

Interview: Jake Kazdal – Studio Art Director/Creative Director of Galak-Z, as well as Founder 17-BIT

Q: Can you please tell us about yourself and what you do? A: My name is Jake Kazdal, and I am the Studio Art Director and Creative Director, as well as the founder of 17-BIT. Q: What was the inspiration behind GALAK-Z? It seems very anime from the 70s/80s, almost Captain Harlock-esque. A: As a child I discovered anime via Star Blazers, which was Battleship Yamato in Japan, which was also done by L...[Read More]