Hindsight Review (PS5)

It was interesting returning to the world of Hindsight again. The last time I reviewed this was in August on the PC, and it was quite the journey. If anyone has gone through the grief process before, then you might be all too familiar with this game. It is the journey of a young woman trying to deal with, feel, and process her grief through memories she holds dear from her mother. It’s a personal,...[Read More]

Hindsight Review

Hindsight from Team Hindsight and Annapurna Interactive is an interesting journey through the life of a woman, who is struggling with staying in the present, while appreciating the past, and healing from tragedy. Her journey is marked by good times, tough ones, and lessons in life learned, some too late. Let’s get right into it. Story-driven and rightfully so As visual tales go, Hindsight is thick...[Read More]