Concord Review

Concord is the most fun I’ve had with a competitive online multiplayer shooter since Titanfall 2 and Overwatch. Blizzard’s game-changing Overwatch and Respawn’s second attempt at a great thing both released in 2016. Where Overwatch ushered in the prominence of hero shooters, Titanfall 2 was a taut, high-energy competitive game. Our space has ballooned. At times it feels unsustain...[Read More]

Concord Preview: Polishing a Rough Gem

After two Beta weekends and about 20 hours of playtime, there is a Concord-shaped hole in my heart. And I think there are few better compliments one can give to a game than wanting to spend even more time with it, especially after a worthy binge. But I’m uncertain if even the full version of Concord will ultimately be able to satiate that yearning. Last December, I dived into the Closed Alph...[Read More]