Shazam! – Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital

Most people know the story of Superman arriving on Earth after his home planet Krypton was destroyed and the tragic backstory of Batman witnessing the murder of his parents when he was a child. But Shazam may be a DC superhero that non-comicbook readers know little about. When the trailer for Shazam! came out last year people began to wonder if it was possible. Could DC have produced an entertaini...[Read More]

Hellboy – Blu-ray, DVD, & Digital

Hellboy returns to the big screen, but this isn’t a sequel to the Ron Perlman movies from 2004 and 2008. It’s also not really an origin story. Hellboy (the 2019 take, that is) introduces an already crime-fighting, wise-cracking hero and a story gory and profane enough to deserve its R-rating. While David Harbour seems perfectly cast in the lead role, the movie attempts to introduce too many charac...[Read More]