Last year, Alex Tudor reviewed Stray for the PlayStation 5 and found an intriguing adventure that was mainly driven by playing a cat in a larger-than-normal cat video game experience. It’s a sentiment that most of us can agree on wholeheartedly. Playing as a cat is something you don’t get to do too often with a story-driven game. Don’t get me wrong, I love playing Catlateral Damage from Manekoware...[Read More]
Stray is everything you’d want out of a game playing as a cat, even if it never fully reaches the potential it lays out for itself. Ask any random person on the street to name the one animal they’d want to play in a video game, and I’d wager to say that at least one out of every 3 people would say a cat. Stray takes everything that we love about cats and puts as much as it possibly can into an 8-h...[Read More]