Resident Evil: Biohazard PC

Resident Evil: Biohazard is the latest installment in the mostly acclaimed horror game franchise. The series’ first few installments focused strictly on the survival horror genre. Testing players by presenting them with challenging puzzles and limited resources to keep themselves alive. A real sense of terror and uncertainty surrounded the player always as they would struggle to find a solution to...[Read More]

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Origins of Resident Evil can be traced to the first three entries, which were indicative of classic horror gaming conventions.  Third person orientation with a high angle, frustratingly rigid character control, limited resources, puzzles-a-plenty, and so forth.  Despite the shared similarities, the consensus critical response generally put these releases within a higher echelon.  2005 saw the rele...[Read More]

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

That time you wished that Capcom would go take a hard look at what made their fighting franchise great and they did — and it became great again thanks to a 2011 title. Definitely a firm reminder that sometimes things were made better in the past. Just last week I had broken out my Sega Saturn Japanese import Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter and pined for the days where more focus laid on gam...[Read More]

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