
It’s exciting to witness Dark Souls’ influence spread across contemporary games. Watching Necropolis apply Souls’ ideals to a modern roguelike and seeing Salt and Sanctuary’s reproduce Souls in two dimensions have been two of the better surprises in a growing field. Ashen, the long-in-development Souls-like from A44, is both an unabashed clone and a defiant newcomer. Throug...[Read More]

Annapurna releases video for Ashen

Check out the video for Ashen below. In anticipation for the upcoming launch of action role-playing game Ashen, publisher Annapurna Interactive has revealed a brand new, comprehensive gameplay video for the game. Developed by Aurora44, the unique third-person RPG is about forging relationships with others, banding together to battle enemies and survive in a world with no sun and limited light stem...[Read More]