Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Review

The Intro Crawl: First off, I’m a Star Wars geek. There’s no getting around it, I was born in 1977, The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie, my Lego Star Wars collection has grown steadily over the past 15 months, I camped outside the Uptown theater in Washington, D.C. for a collective three weeks before the release of the sequels, the eight collector’s grade lightsabers hanging on 3D-printed...[Read More]

Annapurna Interactive creates internal development studio

PROPER. Enjoy the details below. Los Angeles – Oct. 29, 2020 – Annapurna Interactive, the publisher behind award-winning titles including Outer Wilds, Florence and Sayonara Wild Hearts is expanding its operations with the creation of an internal development studio in Los Angeles, California. The new studio is currently hiring experienced game developers to fill a few key roles for a new project. “...[Read More]