Young Souls Preview

Let me just say right from the get-go that I’m getting some Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends vibes from Young Souls. It looks like the show, it acts like the show, and it just is as badass as that show was back in the day. What more could you want out of a brawler? Oh, there is more. Before the next line break, let me just note that we dove into this demo for a short period of time. We got the ...[Read More]

Ninjin: Clash of Carrots

Ninjin: Clash of Carrots succeeds in mimicking those side scrolling beat-em-ups of yesteryear. With an anime-inspired art style, a fantastic chiptune soundtrack, and addicting gameplay, it’s hard to put down. The story is simple, with a focus on comedy, that gets out of the way for the gameplay, and aside from a few stages that feel a bit repetitive, its some of the most fun I’ve had in a si...[Read More]

Super Rocket Shootout

Indie games are the very foundation of a healthy video game industry. They are the places where pure creativity is born and some of the best games/talent rise up. In a video game world driven by multi-million dollar deals and cookie-cutter templates year-in and year-out, indie games can be where it’s at when you’re looking for a shift in the video game paradigm. Taking a simple concept and pushing...[Read More]