Nathan for You

Nathan for You
Nathan for You
Release Date:, Genre:Rating:Developed By:Publisher:Platform:

Nathan for You is a television series featured on Comedy Central and consists of four seasons. The series stars comedian Nathan Fielder, who has a business degree and consults small business owners on how they can increase traffic and sales. He uses his business knowledge and real life experiences by giving small businesses ideas of what they can do to make their business more successful. Nathan’s insights seem to always be a good idea, until the experience becomes something the businesses didn’t sign up for. Nathan picks out the businesses that seem to be struggling the most and comes up with a plan of how he can change this. He then approaches the business owner and sells them his plan. The strategies Nathan gives people are very extreme and almost seem crazy. However, the small businesses are struggling and open to try anything that could benefit their business so they accept Nathan’s help.

One of my favorite episodes was the second episode of season one of the series. This particular episode featured Nathan attempting to generate traffic of a California petting zoo. Nathan had a plan of making one of the zoo’s pigs a celebrity, which would then attract people to visit the zoo. His mission was to film a hoax video of the pig rescuing a goat in a pond. The catch was that the pig wasn’t really saving the goat, even if that was what the video looked like. Nathan and his crew-members set up a plastic course beneath the water for the pig to follow. The goat was placed in the water in the middle of the course and looked as if he was drowning and in need of help. Nathan’s plan worked and a video of the hoax went viral, which ultimately made the pig famous and people began to visit the zoo merely to meet the famous pig.

Nathan for You featured episodes of the creation of a coffee shop called Dumb Starbucks, making a mechanic take a lie detector test to differentiate himself from his competition, as well as many more comical shows. Overall, I thought Nathan for You was a hysterical television series. I laughed at every episode I watched. Nathan is a great comedian and truly made this show funny. I must note that one must have a humorous personality to enjoy watching this show. Some of the jokes can be corny, but for the most part the business plans Nathan comes up with are genius and seeing the reactions of the business owners after Nathan puts his ideas to action is comical. Nathan’s ideas weren’t always successful but the results are worth the watch.

