Bandai Namco’s Global Gamers Day – Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Impressions

Bandai Namco’s Global Gamers Day – Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Impressions

Coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam, the game features some new items and upgrades to previous Naruto games. Here is a list of things to come with Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4:

– One of the better upgrades to the series is a new battle system (Change Leader System), which allows you to make a support character a lead character during battle scenarios.  

– Clan and character additions to the title include the Hyuga clan (featuring Neiji – Hinata – Hiashi – Naruto and Sasuke [the last]), as well as a new playable character, Hanabi Hyuga [the last]. Fans of the anime and series should enjoy them.

– Having the ability to use both Jutsu and Awakening types (Ultimate Jutsu Type / Awakening Type / Drive Type).

– Using Wall Actions in fighting, which means running up the wall and unleashing Jutsu to opponent. This makes the fighting a bit more diverse and less X/Y.

While none of these features was available for play at the event, or at least I didn’t play them in the short demo I experienced, you should know about them nonetheless. Fans of the series will probably be happy that these additions, adjustments and upgrades were made. For someone like me, who is new to the series, I’m sure this won’t mean a thing until I dive into it. I hope to do this with the fourth installment and probably work my way back.

While I patiently wait for that to happen, here was my first official taste of the game. Understand that for at least five minutes I was trying to figure things out, but you’ll know when the light bulb goes on. Enjoy.

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A few things to point out. First, the graphics, as you can tell, are out of this world gorgeous. While they’ve always been stunning, even on the PlayStation 3, mainly due to cel shading animation, I think the additional effects that the PS4 (which is what you just watched) sports does make this more than just another ‘pretty’ game. If you couldn’t tell by the video you just watched there, the graphics are nearly flawless. It’s crisp and clean graphics that certainly draw much closer to the anime than it has ever drawn before. My goodness folks, it’s exquisite.

The one concern I had after seeing the demo of the game prior to playing it was what looked like stiff gameplay. Granted, in the developer demo that was shown prior to the hands-on stuff, we saw Gamakichi going Dynasty Warriors on a slew of monsters, and it seemed like it was a super slow, as well as just a hacking fight system (meaning it felt like the character was just hacking away at enemies without much movement and damage). That demo did end on a more exciting note with Gamakichi doing a railslide to take care of an enemy, but from afar it mostly felt like all glitz and no substance.

Glad I got to try it out before making an assumption.

As you can tell by the video above, my combat skills were nonexistent, but after about five minutes I got the hang of Hashirama’s style. I found a fun pattern on my way to kicking poor Madara’s butt. What I found intriguing by this gameplay is how the game smoothly (and I mean SMOOTHLY) transitions from fighting to quicktime events to massive battles with the giant creatures controlled by gamers. This literally is so smooth that it feels like you’re playing the damn cartoon. After 13 minutes of playing this game, I felt completely disappointed when the fight ended and then the game demo shortly after it. The gameplay was addictive and intoxicating to the senses. The combination of gameplay styles that transition into each other, mixed with the additional intense cutscenes made this one of the better fighting game experiences I’ve had with a licensed title.

Completely unexpected, folks.

I didn’t go into this event thinking I would want Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 on my plate for the coming Fall 2015 review line-up. Now, I have to go back and play Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 1-3 to find out what exactly I missed in my ignorance.