LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition

LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition

While I would love to give you a second review of this title, I feel like Eric Layman has already covered the majority of it with his review in January. He went into intricate details of the first version of this game and did a damn good job of it. So, there isn’t a need to re-write what he has written, as it was perfect to begin with.


This review will mainly focus on the additions of the LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition release. The biggest part of the release is the inclusion of the Playstation Move, which is prominently featured with Rise of the Cakeling (a yummy set of levels). The story revolves around a rogue cake that is threatening to destroy just about everything. It’s a simple, fun storyline that fits right in with the rest of the original game.

With the Move, you’ll be able to control things like the brand new toy called ‘The Brain Crane’, which allows you to use the Move appropriately to control objects with Sackboy’s mind.  What’s remarkable is that this is potentially the first game where the Move didn’t feel like it was forced into the gameplay. The movements in this particular level felt natural, and, more importantly, felt like it was well planned. I can’t tell you how many releases have tried to put the Move into the scrum only to have it actually take away some fun from the game. Thankfully, LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition isn’t on that list.

Once you complete the Rise of the Cakeling then you should continue to use the Move controller for the game. Yes, I said it’s ‘okay’ for you to use the controller in the normal game that wasn’t originally made for the device. Whatever magic Media Molecule performed to make the Move controller fit seamlessly into the original game for LBP2 was nothing short of miraculous. My daughter and I played the heck out of the title this week. She used a regular PS3 controller and I used the Move. I had a much easier time with my controls than she did, which is telling. The targeting of toys was performed using the Playstation Move. The movement and jumping for Sackboy was with the Navigation controller. Both felt very natural, extremely easy and they felt like they were originally made for this release. When I have more time to play LBP2 this will be my controller of choice.


Anyway, Media Molecule did a fantastic job with implementing the new Sony device into the mix of an older title. Again, it’s not often that a game can be so accepting of a new device it wasn’t originally planned for.

Outside of the main adventure (Rise of the Cakeling), the special edition of the game also features plenty of DLC (including the Toy Story DLC, which is too much fun and very representative of the movies) and costumes and what not. In total, you get $35 worth of extra content with a game that already is worth the $59.99 you would pay for it. It’s difficult not to like this deal.  Endless hours of gameplay, a strong online community of gamers and devs, and a lot of DLC.

Again, definitely worth the price of admission, especially if you haven’t picked up the original game.

For those who have the original game then you have a decision to make. Should you purchase it for the extra content and Move levels? It’s a tough call, as you can pick/choose what you want in terms of DLC from the Playstation Store. On the Move side of things,  Media Molecule has added an update to the original game that makes it compatible with the Playstation Move (and it’s free). If I owned LBP2 already then I would have to hold off on this release and probably just enjoy the original, as Rise of Cakeling may not be enough to warrant another $59.99.

Regardless, the release is a good one, and well worth new LBP2 gamers’ money.