The Simpsons: The Complete Thirteenth Season

Lucky number 13! Can't go wrong with that, right?

$5 a Day

The movie certainly has some 'sweet' moments and some 'low'.

The Square

If there is a lesson to be learned in this movie it's this: Never cheat on your spouse. It never works out in the movies or in life.

Date Night

This is how life is between husband and wife. Seriously, no joke.


Gotta connect with the movie to love the movie.

Escape from New York

He's the Duke; he's 'A' number one. He's also funny on South Park.


Something might be rotten in Denmark, but there's nothing rotten about this Blu-ray release.

Bull Durham

The beginning of a string of baseball films, Bull Durham comes out swinging with gritty comedy and a unique look at the minor leagues.

A Prophet

An intense foreign gangster film? It would take a prophet to predict such a thing. And so it has....

The Warlords

Directors Peter Chan and Wai Man Yip teamed up to lead a trio of famous Asian actors in 2007's The Warlords. Starring Jet Li, Andy Lau, and Takeshi Kaneshiro, The Warlords is based on historical events (the Taiping Rebellion) of the 1860s. In this politically charged, drama-heavy war film, we learn about the times and trials of these three blood brothers.

Stargate Universe 1.5

Stargate Universe is the best Stargate out there. You read that sentence right. Now give it some respect, people!

Charlie’s Angels

Hot women + kicking butt? Count me in.