Ultimate Fighting Championship has taken a long road when it comes to video games. Battling to convince the world in the late 2000s that UFC’s MMA style was a sport, they found a video game home with THQ. What came out of that home was nothing short of success. From 2009 - 2012, THQ sold millions of copies of UFC and it became a huge title for both entities. One entity was able to market itself to...[Read More]


I should be able to play the piano now.

Murdered: Soul Suspect

Murdered: Soul Suspect has a compelling enough story that it overshadows the game's other significant shortcomings.

War Thunder

Rough around the edges, but I can see the potential.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

MachineGames and Bethesda reboot the genre's oldest, paying respects along the way while giving it a next-gen sizzle that action gamers shouldn't miss.

Watch Dogs

Though there was disappointment with the six month delay of Watch Dogs from the PS4/XB1 launch, it might have been worth the wait.


Doing one particular thing well is difficult, and rare is the game that embraces a wealth of available resources and merges them into a symbiotic vision. Transistor, the next title from the folks who brought us Bastion, is one such game.

Bound By Flame

It's not going to win any game of the year awards, but Bound By Flame is actually pretty damn good, despite what you may have been hearing.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Beenox's latest Spider-Man game is the videogame based on the new movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Let's have a look, shall we?

MLB 14 The Show

I feel like I’ve just reviewed this less than a month ago. Was it really a month? No matter!

Cel Damage HD

Cel Damage HD by Finish Line Games looks to bring the frenzied, four-player splitscreen cartoony combat kart racer (FPSCCKR for acronym fans!) to the modern era.


Whew. My senses hate this shit, which bodes well for the game. Probably not my trunks.