Generally, Kevin Smith films are childish, funny and nothing more than that. So why the big issue with this one? Oh, right... we can start with Buddy Jesus and go from there.
Walden Media seems to satisfying all needs these days. The Chronicles of Narnia series really has hit home for children and adult alike. Their latest venture in the past year was The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep and it will certainly tide you over until the next Narnia chapter comes out.
I have to admit, I wasn't a fan of this movie when it came out in theaters. Not a fan at all. There were so many elements about Gattaca that always drove me nuts. I felt like it had gotten too artsy for its own good. Something that always annoyed me about movies during the late 90's (sorry Matrix, you still drive me nuts). What it really came down to was that I didn't truly get the film due to my...[Read More]
What can be said about Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction? Without a doubt it's probably one of the best games of 2007. And I realize that this review is late, which I don't mind, but for those of you who have been hankering for a bit of action, destruction and thinking, then look no further than this game.
Arthur Penn and Warren Beatty got together to bring one of movie history's greatest films to life, and just think... it almost didn't make it. Bonnie and Clyde is the story of two young lovers who are constantly on the run. They have a small gaggle of a gang who believe in robbing banks and enjoying every bit of life that they can. Oh, yeah... they enjoy killing a lot of people as well.
Oh, how I'm probably going to get killed for this review. Is that the best way to start it out? Interested? Keep reading.
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Hudson preps for Deca Sports! {mp4}deca{/mp4}
Charlton Heston and Vincent Price did a spectacular job as Robert Neville in the horror/suspense classic, I Am Legend.Based on a book, with the same name, the story revolves around a singleindividual who is believed to be the last 'human' being on the face ofthe earth. After a nasty virus mutates into something worse, spreads inNew York, Robert Neville sits back and watches the world crumble aroun...[Read More]
A misunderstood film. That's what you can say about Blade Runner. Now why do I say this? First and foremost, when the movie was released people assumed that it was an action film. Considering that Ford was just coming off of the Star Wars success and that he was already popular through Indiana Jones he had been pinned as some involved in a bit of action, not drama. So when movie goers went to see ...[Read More]
When John Waters first brought this movie to the silver screen, it was groundbreaking at the time. When it came back to the silver screen in 2007, one had to wonder... why? The first movie was quite good and more than enough. The acting from Ricki Lake and Divine, were more than enough to say the film was unique. So what's the need for re-doing it? Let's see if we can answer that.
It has been six months since the last time this editor has reviewed a title, please forgive me if I’m a bit rusty.