I’m intrigued now. Official details are below.
The monster of all battles begins tomorrow and runs until May 25, when Call of Duty: Warzone Operators get to fight alongside the mighty Kong and Godzilla, recently featured in Legendary Entertainment’s blockbuster smash-hit Godzilla vs. Kong, in the Operation Monarch limited-time mode.
In order to succeed in Operation Monarch, Operators are advised to have a full Quad team; it will be a 60-player match with a Resurgence rule set. A smaller section of Caldera will be marked for the first safe area, and outside of one massive twist, the rules are simple:
– Be the last team standing.
With the mysterious cryptozoological organization Monarch infiltrating the island, players will find Operation Monarch intel via Supply Boxes, special drops and fallen enemies. They’ll also have access to a special meter that unlocks items such as Killstreaks and Loadout Drops, along with a unique and powerful Titan Killstreak reward for filling it up completely. Warzone veterans will be familiar with this special meter through the classic Power Grab limited-time mode.
While collecting intel and eliminating enemies, Operators will need to watch out for Kong and Godzilla. Dealing damage to them will award additional Monarch Intel and if enraged, the monsters will become highly dangerous during a Titan Frenzy and unleash devastating attacks.
Head to the Call of Duty blog for more Operation Monarch intel and tips for success: https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2022/05/call-of-duty-warzone-operation-monarch-limited-time-mode-guide