Zoink shows off unique art style with behind-the-scenes for Lost in Random

Zoink shows off unique art style with behind-the-scenes for Lost in Random

Definitely some gorgeous art and vision. Official details are below.

Today, the Zoink team is taking you behind the scenes to explore the unique art style found in Lost in Random, the recently released award-winning macabre adventure that brings players on a twisted journey to succeed in the Kingdom of Random.

Diving into the game’s delicate mix of fairytale and darkness, the blog explores how Zoink worked through a variety of thematic concept art to create the beautiful environments in-game. The team breaks down everything from environmental composition, creative materials and character design, to storyboarding and the slew of artists who have inspired them, like Paranorman’s Heidi Smith, in shaping the world of Lost in Random.

Check out some of the concept art below and the full blog to learn more about how the game’s art evolved into the beautiful Kingdom of Random.