Breakout those wands and wave them in the air. Woot! Woot! Obnoxiousness aside, enjoy the official details below.
Niantic and WB Games are celebrating the one-year anniversary of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite with a new infographic that highlights the incredible accomplishments that witches and wizards from around the world have achieved together.
– 5 BILLION Traces Returned
– 2 BILLION visits to points of interest
– 850 MILLION Potions consumed
– 400 MILLION Kilometers walked
– 275 MILLION Wizarding Challenges Won
Looking ahead to year two, witches and wizards can look forward to continued updates, events and new features including an all-new feature in July that will enable them to grow their magical skills and unlock never-before-seen benefits and rewards in-game. More on that coming soon…