Arkade Blaster works with Resident Evil 3, video included

Arkade Blaster works with Resident Evil 3, video included

One of these days, I’m going to get ahold of that controller. Until then, enjoy the videos on it. The most recent one (below) is the Arkade Blaster working with Resident Evil 3. Enjoy the hell out of it.

The Arkade Blaster is a point-and-shoot motion controller from gaming peripheral manufacturer Arkade, that will work with hundreds of PC and mobile games. The company has an active indiegogo campaign which has already met over 200% of its goal.

Players simply clip their iOS or Android phone into the Arkade Motion Blaster and connect to their favorite PC or mobile games for heart-pounding point-and-shoot gameplay in hundreds of games including Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Halo, Rainbow Six, Counter Strike, PUBG, Fortnite and many more.

The Blaster separates itself from other AR blasters by having a gyroscope in the Blaster itself and not relying on the phone for motion tracking, resulting in more precise control that tracks the player’s movement.