Cervantes makes it to SoulCalibur VI

Cervantes makes it to SoulCalibur VI

By far the best character in this series. Of course, that’s only my opinion, but still! I once took down an entire household of people at a Dreamcast party with this character…during a drinking game where you had to take a shot everytime you lost a match. Needless to say, Cervantes kept me sober. Anyway! Enjoy his trailer and details below.

A pirate’s life can only be described as one long sailing adventure, filled with enough twists and turns to last multiple lifetimes. So, imagine the stories of adventure and swashbuckling Cervantes must have since he’s been sailing the seven seas as an immortal pirate since forever!

Cervantes is a bad man in every sense of the term. Wielding dual swords – Acheron which he plundered from its former owner, and Nirvana, a dagger whose hilt houses a pistol – Cervantes is simply deadly with these blades, especially when he rushes opponents, knocks them down, or launches them in the air in order to deal hard-hitting combos for maximum destruction and pain.

All this power is not without its drawbacks as Cervantes is cursed to pursue Soul Edge for eternity, drawn to the sword’s power, his life intertwined with the fate of the cursed blade.