Double Fine heading to PAX West

Double Fine heading to PAX West

Check out their official details below.

PAX West is only a few days away, and Double Fine is heading to Seattle with a doubly fun roster of exciting activities, including their own booth and activities outside of the convention center.

All are welcome to come by the Double Fine booth (#106) on the fourth level of the expo hall, where attendees will be able to get hands-on time with Knights and Bikes, Ooblets, and KIDS, browse excellent Double Fine merchandise, new and old, from iam8bit and Fangamer. A brand new Knights and Bikes Pinny Arcade pin will also be available for purchase at the booth!

More details on the games available for hands-on can be found below.

Knights and Bikes (Foam Sword) – a hand-painted action-adventure set on a fictional British island in the late 1980’s. Players take on the roles of Nessa and Demelza to explore the island with their bikes while uncovering treasure, mystery and trouble.

Ooblets (Gumberland) – a game about farming, creatures and adventure – it’s like Harvest Moon meets Pokémon meets Animal Crossing. The demo will also be new, playable for the first time at PAX West.

KIDS (Playables) – an experimental project about the psychology of the group, allowing players to move with and against crowds until everyone is gone. The demo will also be new, playable for the first time at PAX West.

And the excitement continues…In addition to all the fun at the PAX West convention center, Double Fine’s rough and rowdy game, Gang Beasts will be featured at the Red Bull Challenge Mode event from Friday, August 31 – Saturday, September 1.

More details on the event can be found below:

Red Bull Challenge Mode, is a special two-day event celebrating competitive indie gaming during PAX West. The event will take place from August 31 – September 1 from 5pm-10pm both days. The Gang Beasts tournament is first come, first play, which will start Friday and continue until Saturday when the championships will be held. Prior to the final Gang Beasts battle on Saturday at 7:30PM, Double Fine’s Tim Schafer will be hosting a Q&A panel on stage with the Gang Beasts’ developers for fans to participate in and enjoy. Fans can RSVP for the event here.

Also, in case you missed it, today, Double Fine announced Samurai Gunn 2 as the latest title to join their Published “Presents” lineup. Samurai Gunn 2 is the sequel to the 2013 cult-classic Bushido brawler, Samurai Gunn, developed by Beau Blyth. Fans can stop by the Nintendo Booth (#1939) in the South Hall all weekend long to see it in action!