Dolmen, a new action horror RPG, gets successful first week of crowdfunding on Kickstarter

Dolmen, a new action horror RPG,  gets successful first week of crowdfunding on Kickstarter

The team at Massive Work Studio had a fantastic turnout at PAX East 2018 and a highly successful first week of crowdfunding on Kickstarter for their nightmarish SoulsBorne-inspired Horror Action-RPG DOLMEN!

Today, the team would like to offer a new behind the scenes look at DOLMEN. This first “making of” video that we’re sharing with you highlights the creation of the beautiful, yet mercilessly unforgiving planet where DOLMEN takes place: Revion Prime.

To bring DOLMEN to life, Brazilian independent developer Massive Work Studio — a team comprised of talented developers who previously worked on AAA titles such asInjustice 2, Diablo and World of Warcraft — put a massive amount of work (sorry!) into creating an original, alien world. It not only had to captivate and intimidate players but also present a gorgeous yet dangerous environment, too irresistible not to explore, despite endless lethal threats. Starting with just a few initial sketches and an idea of a living world where monstrous inhabitants lurk, Revion Prime was born!

As a concept, the team divided the “Dolmenverse” into sectors — each designed as a playable area of Revion Prime. The first sector that the team created was dubbed “The Dump”: a once beautiful, thriving mine on Revion Prime, ripe with unimaginable treasures. After many great wars, “The Dump” became a refuge for numerous lifeforms on the planet. But safety didn’t last long as Revion Prime is also home to the largest recorded massacre in galactic history. Once the design team felt the idea of Revion Prime had something special to offer, new ideas readily spawned, leading to new concepts and sketches, with the planet coming together piece by piece.

Once developer Massive Work Studio reaches their initial $90,000 funding goal – after only a few days they are currently about 25% of the way there – DOLMEN will be available on Windows PC, Xbox One and PS4 in late 2019. (A Nintendo Switch version is an early stretch goal.) To learn more about DOLMEN and its Kickstarter campaign, please visit