Star Trek Timelines gets Valentine’s Day Event

Star Trek Timelines gets Valentine’s Day Event

Those cards are hilarious. Enjoy some good details below.

The universe of Disruptor Beam’s Star Trek Timelines is in amorous peril with the upcoming Season of Love in-game event, kicking off later this week The merging of time and space triggered the mysterious “pon farr” mating ritual with every Vulcan in the galaxy at once and any Vulcan left unattended is at risk of becoming “plak tow,” or combative, irrational and downright un-Spock-like. After the event kicks off this Thursday, player captains have until Feb. 20 to hook a Vulcan up.

More details of the “Season of Love” event below:
– Event runs from Thursday, February 16th until Monday, February 20th.
– Special Event Crew includes Ambassador Troi, Kal-if-fee Kirk, and Kal-if-fee Spock.
– Players have access to unique Federation Faction Missions and using any version of Kirk, Spock, or Lwaxana Troi will provide a bonus to Federation Faction Missions.
– Completing Federation Faction Missions will earn players Event Victory Points. Collecting Victory Points will unlock special Event Threshold Rewards that will be sent out at the end of the event.
– Players in a Squadron may now compete to advance up the Squadron leaderboard.

Disruptor Beam special edition Star Trek Valentine’s Day e-cards are also available on Facebook.