Immortal Redneck announcement trailer

Immortal Redneck announcement trailer

Official details below.

MADRID, Spain – 23rd January 2017 – Crema, a Spanish indie studio who possibly may have been exposed to hallucinogenic substances during development (which would explain this game), are excited to announce the ultimate mash-up of cultures in a video game. Gird your loins folks as good old Southern hospitality gets set to meet ancient Egypt in Immortal Redneck, a RogueLite First Person Shooter set to release on PC, Mac and Linux this Spring with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to follow later in the year.

Immortal Redneck features all kinds of crazy and that’s a fact! You are a redneck holidaying in Egypt (so far, so normal) when an accident befalls you. You wake up to discover that you are mummified in a sarcophagus in ancient Egypt. WOAH! How did you get there? How did you survive the accident? And why the heck are you mummified?! The answers lie inside the three danger filled pyramids of Giza, all protected by an army of monsters and huge (like, HUGE) bosses whose sole aim is to kill you. A lot. Your only chance to discover what is happening will be to get inside the pyramids and kill all the enemies. Obviously!

Each of the three massive pyramids in Immortal Redneck contains procedurally generated dungeons, all with different sets of enemies and bosses, ensuring every play through is different. Died did you? Well, the next time you head in to that pyramid the layout will be completely different. With every death you will have to face a new and unique layout of rooms and traps.

Immortal Redneck features nine playable character classes each with their own traits and characteristics, a complete skill tree where you can upgrade your skills, unlock new classes and abilities, along with over 50 weapons from the traditional to the unique (did someone mention a potato launcher). Oh, and permanent death.

Mixing old-school first person shooter action with rogue lite mechanics, Immortal Redneck is aimed squarely at hardcore gamers that like their gameplay frantic, their controls twitchy, their style arcadey and their games shooty!

The announcement trailer can be viewed at:


  • RogueLite mechanics: procedurally generated dungeons, classes, skills, permanent death but with gameplay progression
  • Nine playable classes: all with different skill sets. Players can switch classes between each play through, selecting the one most suitable for their current run
  • Complete skill tree: evolve your character, buying equipment and weapons, upgrading and acquiring new skills
  • History Mode: single player game mode. Clear all the pyramids in order to complete the game.
  • Twitch Quest: special mode for streamers integrated with the Twitch API
  • Over 50 different weapons: traditional firearms, magical, mythological, futuristic or just plain weird weapons including a Potato Launcher. You name it, this game has it.
  • Over 100 scroll modifiers: Each scroll picked up in-game changes your current run, for good (convert your enemies in to chickens) or for bad (reduces your speed of movement) and everything in between!
  • Huge bosses: two in each pyramid
  • Merchant: Buy equipment and supplies that will be maintained between different games, even when you die
  • Skill Rooms: hone your skills in rooms focused on platforming and avoiding a variety of traps