In 2021 a mysterious viral epidemic known as the Crossout epidemic swept the planet Crossout triggered a human extinction event. Entire populations disappeared almost overnight.
Those who didn’t die immediately were plagued by hallucinations and headaches. Many people went mad. Some looked to suicide to escape their degenerative state. The source of the disease was unknown, but its effects were everywhere. Cities that were once vibrant social and economic beacons of humanity were left ravaged and deserted.
In the first few days of the Crossout epidemic, media offered wild speculation about the nature of the epidemic. Some argued that the radiation from cell phones and televisions was infected with a deadly virus technically engineered by terrorists. Others believed the virus was airborne, caused by the disintegration of a large meteorite in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Was this the dawn of an evolutionary leap and a new kind of humanity?
Chaos engulfed the planet. Many tried to escape the effects of the virus by using different protective measures. They wore face masks to filter the air. They completely stopped using electronic devices and used more traditional means of communication. But all efforts were in vain: what was once an epidemic in a few days became a pandemic unlike anything ever experienced by man.
But humanity was not yet dealt the final blow. It somehow hung on, survived. Started to rebuild, and then…20 years after the Crossout catastrophe, the world is once again at the precipice between survival and annihilation.