Major Crimes: The Complete Second Season

Major Crimes: The Complete Second Season

Major Crimes is about a Los Angeles Police Department that focuses on hate crimes, murders and any of other nasty, illegal business that goes on the L.A. area. The show, which is in its third season right now, is strong when it comes to setup and plot points. The way it sets up the drama through wild murders and heinous crimes makes it interesting and almost makes it to NCIS and Law & Order level. Almost.

For example here are a few of my favorite episodes from the second season:

Final Cut – A movie director, who has been divorced multiple times, finds himself in hot water when his pregnant wife turns up murdered from multiple stab wounds. The story offers up a variety of paths to throw the viewer off from ‘who done it’, but ultimately comes up predictable when revealed. It’s a strong episode and a good way to start off the second season. While I can’t say much for the director’s acting in the episode, the story is good enough to ignore his failure to deliver.

Boys Will Be Boys – A child with gender dysphoria goes missing and no one can figure out who/what was the cause. Over-protective parents fight, and even more so when the child’s body is turned up. What’s also turned up in the investigation is a sexual bully who tortured the poor kid, with little to no regrets with his actions, and a reveal that is truly surprising. This was a fascinating episode, especially given the fact that the writers decided to make the victim someone with gender dysphoria. While it didn’t get too in-depth with the parents conflicting feelings over the child’s disorder, it did bring up some good points by the end — especially with the bully. Definitely one of the best episodes of the bunch.

Risk Assessment – A grad student is murdered by what could be a gang related attack due to the area he resided in. The FBI jump in to help out and the squad gets more than they bargained for in this one. Very political plot points jump everywhere here, and it’s a great episode that demonstrates how strong a storyline could be in this season. Again, the stories are amazing in this DVD set, and this is one example of such a story.

Creator James Duff and his writers/directors certainly do establish a very real world for this particular squad to reside in. The second season offers a comfortable feel to it, as everyone (including the crew) seem to be settled in to what they need to do with this show. Second and third seasons are almost always better because of this. The stories they set up for the second season aren’t far off from what you would find in real world Los Angeles. They’re believable, enjoyable (well, as much as a murder mystery can be enjoyed) and the stories make for some great drama. You can tell they upped the ante for season two with what they wanted to deliver in terms of murder mysteries.

So, in short, you’re going to find there’s a solid show waiting for you on this DVD set.

Here’s my only issue with the Major Crimes — the acting can really bring down some of the drama created. I can live with Mary McDonnell’s Captain Sharon Raydor. The way she delivers that character is bland, but it’s conducive with the world that the writers/directors have built for her. She plays a stiff, no-nonsense character that is trying to do her job the very best she knows how. The lead for Major Crimes is solid.

The outside guys that lead the way with some comedy relief and catchy one-liners in the field are G.W. Bailey playing a laid back, near retirement Lt. Louie Provenza. Tony Denison plays the health nut, Lt. Andy Flynn. Then we have the two young guys in Michael Paul Chan’s Lt. Mike Tao and Raymond Cruz’s Detective Julio Sanchez. All of them seem relaxed and happy in their characters, which only helps the show move along in police chases and big reveals.

Outside of the main group above, there are a few folks who might actually bring the pacing and the story down a notch in the second season.  For example, I think one person who probably doesn’t fit, at least in the second season of Major Crimes, is Nadine Velazquez as D.D.A. Emma Rios. I’m not sure if it’s the poor writing that hurts her or the mis-cast of her with this character, but when she’s on the screen, it’s tough to watch her deliver her lines. I think it might be the writing, but regardless, she isn’t very good for the stories. She’s pretty significant enough from crime to crime that it does affect the overall show, but the rest of the cast helps to try to balance it out.

She’s not the only one, but she is an example of maybe not the best fit for the show.

Acting aside, the stories are strong enough to warrant a viewing of the second season, especially if you’re a big fan of the series. There’s such a strong variety of good crimes to choose from (as warped as that sounds) that you won’t be bored with what Major Crimes delivers.

As for the special features included with this DVD set, here’s what you’re looking at:

– Major Crimes: Personal Conviction
– Behind the Scenes: A Look Forward
– Deleted Scenes

For a show like Major Crimes, which delivers good storylines anyway, you’re getting some good features that extend the entertainment value of the season. The deleted scenes and behind the scenes are really darn good in this set. You won’t be disappointed.