Thief goes gold!

Thief goes gold!

Eidos-Montréal’s THIEF™ has GONE GOLD and will be in the hands of all would be Master Thieves later this month. To celebrate today’s news we’re releasing a brand new ‘THIEF 101 trailer’ that details everything you need to know about THIEF.

(Click for trailer)
thief trailer

“It’s a wrap, Thief is gold. It’s nearly time for the fans to fall in love with Thief all over again, and time for newcomers to finally see what all the fuss is about” said Stephane Roy, Producer. “Thief is one of the founding-fathers of the stealth genre; we’re proud to have worked on such a well-loved series and proud to say that Garrett, the Master Thief is back.”

THIEF is the second game from Eidos-Montréal whose previous title DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION also saw them breathing life back into a classic, critically acclaimed series.

Today’s brand new ‘THIEF 101 trailer’ provides key insights on the game’s story, its key characters, key gameplay and key feature set (including the fact that the game’s main character is a Master Thief who doesn’t need keys).

THIEF is due for release on February 25, 2014 in North America.